

At Guru ENT clinic currently the facilities available are (apart from Routine ENT examination)


bullet Diagnostic nasal endoscopy meant for patients with sinusitis and headache, loss of smell sense

bullet Videolaryngoscopy for patients with voice problems 

bullet Flexible fibreoptic nasolaryngoscopy for patients with speech, swallowing disorders and aspiration. 

bullet Evaluation of patients with snoring and sleep apnea in the awake state with Flexible fibreoptic nasolaryngoscopy  (Mueller's maneuver) helps in localizing the site of blockage in the upper airway.  

bullet Head and Neck cancer detection, staging and post treatment followup is possible with the help of the above mentioned various endoscopic procedures and clinical examination. 

bullet Atraumatic Suction cleaning of ear discharge, wax, fungal debris especially for children

bullet Otoendoscopy or endoscopic examination of the ear helps is correct diagnosis and treatment of ear problems. 

bullet Otomicroscopy for minor ear problems that can be addressed in the clinic.

bullet Clinical testing of Vertigo to establish the cause is also done in detail. 

bullet Various services offered (not in the premises)- Audiological evaluation, Hearing aid trials, Sleep study/ Polysomnography, FEES - Functional Endoscopic evaluation of Swallowing, Speech therapy, blood tests, Xrays, CT/ MRI scans.


Surgical Treatments offered for problems refractory to medical treatment


Sinusitis & headache


bullet Balloon sinuplasty 

bullet Microdebrider/ soft tissue shaver assisted FESS

bullet FESS/ Functional endoscopic sinus surgery Voice Problems/ hoarseness


Voice Problems/ Hoarseness


Microlaryngeal Surgery


bullet Phonosurgery,

bullet Thyroplasty 

bullet Co2 Laser assisted surgery


Ear problems/ ear discharge/ Hearing loss


bullet Microsurgery for CSOM,

bullet Surgery for  Otosclerosis (stapedotomy/ stapedectomy), 

bullet ossiculoplasty (correction conductive hearing loss)

bullet Cochlear implants for selected patients.



Head and neck Cancers


bullet Surgical treatment-thyroidectomy, parotidectomy,  Glossectomy, Maxillaectomy, Laryngectomy, TEP, Petrosectomy, Neck Dissections, Cranio-facial resection, Maxillary/ Mandibular swing Operations. Reconstruction of Defects, Flap surgeries.

bullet Co2 Laser assisted surgery


Skull Base Surgery


bullet Endoscopic Skull base procedures for Anterior Skull base Tumors

bullet Transfacial approaches for Anterior skull base tumors

bullet Lateral Skull base operations  for tumors like acoustic schwannomas, Glomus.


Cosmetic Procedures


bullet Rhinoplasty , Correction of nasal deformities

bullet Nonsurgical ( without medicines) management

bullet Vertigo- Epley's, Semont's maneuver,Vannuchhi, Log roll maneuver

bullet Speech Problems- breathing excercises/ techniques,relaxation techniques

bullet Swallowing problems- Modified swallow - Supraglottic swallowsupra-supraglottic  swallow Tongue base Pump